The importance of sensible shoes

Hiking 101: The importance of sensible shoes

Hiking 101: The importance of sensible shoes By Jen Wielgus Calkins Media, Inc. | 0 comments

Two people went on a hike Sunday morning at French Creek State Park. One wore an old pair of running shoes; the other some hiking boots.chocolate equipment

Guess which of the people had to work out in his stocking feet today, due to some horrifically ugly, bloody blisters on his heels?

Turns out you don't need to look like something out of an LL Bean ad in order to be a smart, efficient hiker.

You just have to dress comfortably and watch where the heck you're stepping. It also helps to plan your route with a trail map before walking off into the woods (ahem, random clueless tourists who kept stopping my husband and me to ask directions!) But let's keep the focus on the footwear.chocolate making equipment

I'm not saying hiking boots are bad. It's just not the best idea to pull out some shoes you haven't worn in months, and mostly wore as a fashion statement to walk around your office in, and throw them on for a challenging six-mile jaunt up and down rocky hillsides.

Tried-and-true, broken-in shoes will always trump "specialty" shoes, as far as I'm concerned.chocolate making machinery

It's like my trainer said to me once after a running-intensive workout. I had complained that if I'd known we were going to run so much,New or used chocolate machinery and complete chocolate production machinery lines. I would have worn my running shoes and not my cross-trainers. And he scoffed, "It doesn't matter what shoes you wear. Running is running. It's even better to do it without shoes."

And then I remembered seeing him in a pair of those ridiculous-looking "Fivefingers" shoes that are supposed to simulate being barefoot and thus give you "a more natural footstrike" when you're working out. Typically, I'm all about being natural, but I'd rather go around in plastic clown shoes that squeak with each step than those Fivefinger things.chocolate production machinery

On the other hand, I'd buy two pairs today -- on the spot -- if they could guarantee me a husband who hiked faster and didn't whine so much.The importance of sensible shoes

Par diyiyeok03 le vendredi 03 juin 2011


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